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European Migration Network
The European Migration Network (EMN) was set up by the Council Decision of 14 May 2008. It is coordinated by the European Commission, under the direct responsibility of the Directorate-General for Home Affairs. It is organised into National Contact Points (NCP) in each Member State.
Each NCP is required to establish a working team and develop a network of partners with expertise in the fields of migration and international protection. These partners, from different backgrounds, bring a cross-cutting perspective to bear on the information.
Primary objective
The primary objective of the European Migration Network is to provide the European Union, its Member States and civil society with "reliable, objective, comparable and up-to-date" information in the field of migration and asylum, both at the European and national level, in order to support the development of related policies and decision-making.
In Luxembourg, coordination of the NCP has been vested in the University of Luxembourg. The General Department of Immigration is one of the NCP Luxembourg’s partners, together with the Office national de l'accueil (ONA) (Luxembourg reception and integration office), the Centre d'étude et de formation interculturelles et sociales (CEFIS) (Centre for cross-cultural and social studies and education) and the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (STATEC) (National Institute of statistics and economic studies).
Luxembourg's point of contact for the EMN receives financial assistance from the European Union and ONA.